Well hello there!
Today it's my first weekly wish list, this was a surprisingly easy post to make aha!
my inner shopaholic got to go wild, bearing in mind this is JUST window shopping!
so let's jump in!

1. If you haven't heard of this product already then you must be living under a rock because holy cow did this blow up on the beauty scene recently! This is the Anastasia Beverly hills dip brow pomade. It is basically a long lasting, WATERPROOF {yes this is what tempts me..brows on holiday that won't sweat off? yes please!} eyebrow mousse, you need very little product and have quite a bit of play time with it to get it perfect but once set..it's going nowhere. I was actually shocked at the price, I thought it'd be more expensive, this is around a fiver more expensive than the soap and glory eyebrow pencil... I'd rather go for this!
£15 Buy Here
2. I've wanted to try this product for a while, I love Korres as a brand and I've tried their lip butters - despite the guava one tasting more like cheap plastic than guava, I really like them. I've also tried the vanilla cinnamon body wash and it was amazing, so despite the guava lip product not smelling too great I have faith in this one being better and let's be honest.. who doesn't want to smell like a guava?! £12.50 for 125ml Buy Here
3. I'm due to get a new SPF soon and I WISH that I could justify spending £31 on this one but I really can't {on a side note, if you're looking for an SPF and you're from the UK look in asda at their 'Protect' range, it's asda's own sunscreen brand but it was voted the best either last year or the one before and it doesn't break me out!} but back to the point, this is one of those luxury items that I'd love to try but probably never will, it's a lightweight formula, SPF 50, oil free.. so it'd be great under makeup and it protects against uva and uvb rays, ultimate skin protection. *sighs* however if you do want to splash out £31 you can Buy Here.
4. Aren't these just to die for? these are from bomb cosmetics, I came across this site when looking for lush alternatives, I was just checking out the competition and it seems like they have some! The one on the left is 'Rhubarb and custard bath blaster' ..yes you read that right! and the one on the right is 'Mandarin sunset bath whoopie blaster' I may be making a small purchase on pay day ;) the products from this company have great reviews, they're cheaper than lush and frankly they're better looking, also you get free delivery when you spend over £25 {something lush doesn't offer}, they don't just stop at bath bombs either so check them out! {They're homemade, natural and they don't test on animals}
Buy Mandarin Sunset whoopie blaster -£2.99
& Buy Rhubarb & Custard bath blaster -£2.29
5. Now normally I wouldn't justify spending £14 on a body scrub, especially as this is a 200ml scrub, it isn't exactly huge and it isn't even a semi-luxury brand, it's from the body shop, I think this is from their 'higher end' sorta' range, BUT the best thing about the body shop...they always have offers on...currently you can get 40% off everything on site, even already reduced items!
This scrub is supposed to leave your skin feeling smoother and firmer, it's 100% natural .. also smells like citrus. Do you need any more convincing that you need this in your life? I thought not, check out the reviews on the website for this product, it looks so good!
Buy Here - £14
6. Finally, this is something I've lusted after for a while, this is supposed to be the ultimate mask and I should think so for the price, the smaller size is cheaper than glam glow so that's a plus right?
This is meant to cleanse your pores, exfoliate and draw out impurities, just what I want in a face mask.
This has had some amazing reviews and I'm dying to try it but after splashing out and getting glam glow..and not being impressed with it {it's very basic, not a wonder product and I bought some kaolin clay and made my own which had the same effects...so not worth the price tag} I really wanted to get this but at risk of being disappointed again I think I'll stick to cheaper options, although I'm still dying to try this!
The small size of this has a £27 price tag...yes for the small size.. and the larger size is £54 ...not a chance. but if you have some cash to waste and glam glow didn't work for you then maybe check this out? Buy Here with free worldwide shipping
*I am in no way affiliated with any companies nor do they know they're mentioned*
Thanks for reading!

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