

Sunday, 4 May 2014

My week in photos. #5

Hello, welcome back for week five,

If you want to be kept even more up to date then

follow my instagram:

 This week again wasn't eventful, I spent the majority of it doing
uni work and preparing for my driving test but
here's what I did capture on camera this week.
-re-discovering old makeup loves 
-moomin cat      
- rowlow

 -preparing Monday's blog post. 
- fragrance on Friday post
- re-discovered pretty nail varnish!

-re-dyed my hair and it looks like plastic! 
-dying process          
-sneaky kfc. 

So all in all it was a pretty boring week!
I'm going to be glad to finish uni for the
summer and hopefully get up to
something exciting!

Hope you enjoyed<3

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