welcome to week eleven of my week in photos,
slightly more exciting this week :)
As you may know I passed my driving test and turned 21 this week,
so this included my birthday treat which was the only thing
I asked for which was a trip to the south lakes zoo!
so this is my week in photos, enjoy!
So I started off Monday with a trip to the krispy kreme stand in tesco &
my final driving lesson!
how good do those doughnuts look?! they were equally as tasty!
My mum also got me a bunch of flowers which I hadn't cut the extra leaves off yet.
self explanatory birthday photos, birthday girl balloon & bubbly!
My family aren't big on birthdays and I didn't ask for anything except to go to the zoo but my mum gave me £210 (for being 21, get it?) which was super nice of her, I did
try to give it her back but she wouldn't accept it.
I got the ysl lipstick out of some birthday money that my grandma gave me, it's the matte lipstick in #204 & I got myself a mac lipstick with the excess money from her and added my own money too it, I got Vegas volt.
We then went to pizza hut for tea as it is my favourite and we scoffed the first pizza but I did manage to take a photo of my 'ice cream factory' & the pizza I was taking home in the box because we couldn't eat the second one!
I also had a trip to asda where I picked up glamour magazine and got a free eyeko navy eyeliner which I love.
I also got some twirls and a copy of reveal magazine
I also got my babies some treats 'cause I'm a good animal mama!
I may have also made my way through a box of funny feet lollies that evening, oops.
On thursday me & my mum had a trip into Blackpool, they have a better primark than ours ;( I only ended up getting 6 bits, 2 tshirts, a vest top, dolly pumps,
a watermelon candle (which has no scent when you burn it) & the cutest make up bag!
Now this was the highlight of my trip....
they say don't touch the animals as they roam free but
I always stroke the lemurs (sorry don't ban me!) but this mama lemur has
a teeny tiny baby!!! she even let me stroke her despite clinging onto her baby for dear life,
I did fear I'd get bitten but it'd be worth it!
Urghh that baby is so cute! <33
I then polished off a bottle of wine (strawberry and raspberry wine might I add), it wasn't
amazing but I'm not the biggest fan of wine, it was the strawberry part that drew me in!
(I'll remain celebrating my 21st birthday until my 22nd! ;) .. I joke)
what did you get up to this week?
*All products purchased myself, I am in no way affiliated with any companies nor do they know they're mentioned*
slightly more exciting this week :)
As you may know I passed my driving test and turned 21 this week,
so this included my birthday treat which was the only thing
I asked for which was a trip to the south lakes zoo!
so this is my week in photos, enjoy!
my final driving lesson!
how good do those doughnuts look?! they were equally as tasty!
Then I arrived home from my driving test and ran in to tell my mum the news, but my baby came to congratulate me, here's him licking a ferrero rocher.
My driving instructor was the sweetest guy. his name is Babs & he was my fourth
driving instructor... I didn't like the others (they were too soft on me!)
But he knows I'm cat crazy so he got me a kitty keyring for my keys as I passed!
Isn't that super sweet?!
I then had a teeny tiny cake with 21 candles in, pretty cool candles at that,
the flame colours match the candle..
My family aren't big on birthdays and I didn't ask for anything except to go to the zoo but my mum gave me £210 (for being 21, get it?) which was super nice of her, I did
try to give it her back but she wouldn't accept it.
I spent the next day trying to finish the end of the fault in our stars in my duvet on the sofa and eating birthday ferrero rochers!
I also got some twirls and a copy of reveal magazine
I also got my babies some treats 'cause I'm a good animal mama!
a watermelon candle (which has no scent when you burn it) & the cutest make up bag!
On friday I didn't do much, just had a trip to boots but I didn't purchase anything (shock horror)
Then on Saturday me & my mum had an hour long trip to the south lakes zoo where loads of the animals roam free, I love it & this was the ONE
thing that I asked for on my birthday, It was boiling so most animals were sleeping /sunbathing! but most were not caged and so close I could touch them,
they say don't touch the animals as they roam free but
I always stroke the lemurs (sorry don't ban me!) but this mama lemur has
a teeny tiny baby!!! she even let me stroke her despite clinging onto her baby for dear life,
I did fear I'd get bitten but it'd be worth it!
that only leaves Sunday left, as always I had a pretty chilled Sunday, everything shuts at 4 where I live so there is NOTHING to do on a Sunday, so here's a sleeping
moomin photo from this afternoon.

amazing but I'm not the biggest fan of wine, it was the strawberry part that drew me in!
(I'll remain celebrating my 21st birthday until my 22nd! ;) .. I joke)
what did you get up to this week?
*All products purchased myself, I am in no way affiliated with any companies nor do they know they're mentioned*
Thanks for reading!
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