as you've guessed by the title, today's review is on the Bourjois
Rouge edition velvet in the shade - '#01 personne ne rouge!'
I got this product a little while ago after not originally giving
into the hype but I didn't review it as I had other things I wanted to review more.
So that sets the tone for this product, I don't love it and here's why..

£8.99 - link
I like the texture of this lip product, it glides on smoothly with
a velvet texture (as you'd guess)
It's in a liquid lipstick format until left to dry which doesn't happen quickly.
After around half an hour I find it sets down to a matte finish.
It does still transfer slightly but it doesn't really smudge or get on your teeth.
This product is very similar to the nyx soft matte lip creams or the
collection cream puff lip creams, if you have tried either then that's your comparison.
This particular shade is the deepest red shade that I could find, I looked
online and also swatched these in store and this seems to be the darkest (despite the
little colour swatches that 'boots.com' show you) look up swatches on google first
to make sure you're getting the shade you want,
don't rely on retail sites as their swatches are frequently wrong!
This is a bright red, I would of liked this shade to be a bit of a deeper red
and not so orange looking as it's not the most flattering against your teeth,
it makes them appear a little yellow due to the warm tones in it.
I was surprised by the lasting power on this product, this was by no means my favourite
product and to be honest I thought it was a waste of money
when I first tried it out,
so I was expecting no lasting power, especially as it isn't drying and does stay
velvet textured on the lips (it feels like it's not set even when it has)
This product does in fact last really well and drinking didn't seem to make it wear off,
I haven't eaten while wearing this though.
It's not sticky or greasy but it does feel like if you were wearing a regular lipstick, like if you swiped your fingers across your mouth it'd smudge it but it is
matte and quite smudge proof when set.
It's easy to remove and if you do eat and wipe some off then you can apply
straight over the top without it becoming 'chunky' or needing to be removed and reapplied.
The pigmentation on this product isn't what I'd hoped for, one thin coat gives you
a sort of sheer, patchy lip colour but with two coats it becomes
opaque, I'd hoped for one swipe, fool proof, super pigmented lip colour.
(a girl can dream!)
The top photo is one thin coat and the second photo is two thin coats.

❤ packaging
❤ lasting power
❤ can be re-applied on top if necessary
❤ easy to apply
❤ can be re-applied on top if necessary
❤ easy to apply
❤ smells/tastes like plastic
❤ not the greatest pigment - needs two thin coats
❤ still transfers & feels semi matte- not full matte
❤ shade makes teeth look more yellow.
Overall I'm not in love with this product, I think it was hyped up to be a lot
more than it actually is, It's not for me personally but it depends what you
like in a lip product.
You can decide for yourself given my review as to whether this is
something you'd like to try!
I hope this was helpful :)
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