I'm writing this after being awoken from a quick snooze,
I'm back!
I skipped this post last week due to the broken blog but here
I am to show you what I ate and
what I didn't get up to, aha,
well, that's pretty close!
I don't know where this week went to be honest!
All I remember was toothache, rain and food!
Starting with Monday,I continued to fix my blog and write
out the 'Essence' blog post.
Besides that I went to the dentist and got my 'fixtures' on my teeth
and my new set of braces...and my next appointment.
I went to the RSPCA as my local branch was crying out for kitten food,
after buying four boxes of kitten food and £15 later I expected a thank you
but I didn't so much as get one! well, at least the kittens are fed.
There wasn't much point photographing the building and I didn't see any kitties.
I then went to my hairdressing suppliers where I got some emergency hair dye,
for all you pink haired ladies... don't use crazy colour pinkissimo unless you want baby pink hair as they changed the formula and the other dye didn't stick to my hair at all.
Tuesday included more shopping, but of the food variety,
I joined my friend on her trip to do her 'weekly big shop' and I picked up
a few goodies to enjoy while blogging the night away.
Wednesday consisted of pizza, lush bath bomb and a little boots shopping for back
ups of the maybelline colour tattoos before they're discontinued (or so I've heard)
before I spent the night round at Jason's house.

Thursday was also spent blogging and sorting out general issues,
I received a £55 a day fine for not declaring that my old car was scrapped?!
I've not seen or heard of that car for months! I'm apparently still the owner so
I had to write the worlds longest letter to the dvla.
So in celebration I had my weekly junk food fix!
takeaway curry...which stained my brace fixtures....
several teeth brushing sessions removed it.
Friday consisted of a trip to Manchester trafford centre with
my friend Rachel, we originally decided to go out to eat but ended up there.
I did see Gemma from Gemsmaquillage,
After thinking for a second 'I know her from somewhere..."
I realised aha, I decided to not bombard her and let her shop but it was a little strange
seeing my first real life youtuber aha.
I did buy some doughnuts from krispy kreme, I only had 2 or 3 and took
the rest of them to Jason's as a little late night present for him!
world cat day was also on Friday so here's a picture of my little
moomin cat <3
The only photos I could find from Saturday was a photo of some pepper houmous,
(I know Americans spell that differently) Rowlow and the bad weather!
This is mainly due to taking Jason shopping late after work on Saturday and
so I obviously didn't take any photos of me driving or in the super market aha.
That's English weather for you! bleurghh.
here's my beautiful baby boy eating his breakfast
under my bed though, what a cutie!
& then that only leaves us with Sunday, which consisted of eating,
apart from that I just worked on a blog post, did this and also had a nap for a few hours,
I just woke up from one before this, the below picture of moomin...
is where my neck used to be,
if she finds me led down then she will climb on my neck and sleep.
This week was pretty boring and random,
The only exciting thing to come from it was a trip to the trafford centre
but I didn't get any photos.
I'm in between wanting to take pictures for my blog and also
trying not to have my phone out when I'm out with someone
so it kind of clashes.
what have you been up to this week?
*All products purchased myself, I am in no way affiliated with any companies nor do they know they're mentioned*
Thanks for reading!
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