Hello :)
welcome back for week 22 of my week in photos.
I wasn't all that boring for once this week,
I'm back at uni tomorrow and so I had to enjoy my final days of freedom aha.
This does also mean that Monday's blog post will start going up later at night.
anyway let's jump in!
*WARNING- this post is photo heavy!!*
This week the weather has been beautiful in the UK, I've spent a lot of time outside, even at night it's
been so warm that no jacket is needed which is very uncommon for the UK,
I did manage to get some pretty garden snaps first of all!
I then had a dreaded trip to my cosmetic dentist! I was given my next four invisalign braces, the next time I go back I will need some filing between my teeth again to make more room ;(
I'm currently on brace number four and have one more week until I'm on my fifth...then only thirty more to go! this time next year I will be done with them! it seems to be going so fast!
I got my lime crime goodies that I purchased last week! there will be a blog post on both the velvetine and the eyeliners! I'm so in love with this brand! I'm a huge fan of crazy bright make up so it's right up my street.
sleepy moomin & her favourite toy. & below is a not so sleepy baby rowlow!
I had a trip to a kids park again this week with my friend and her little girl but to avoid being
arrested or looking like a weirdo for taking photos of the park, I took a photo of the lolly that I bought at the park aha, a childhood fave of mine, bubblegum lolly! mmm.
On Friday my friend Rachel invited me to 'farmer parrs' farm as she was taking her little girl, we went on a tractor ride, looked round the museum, petted the animals, played on a park and her little girl went on a pony.... Here are just some of the snaps that I got.
creepy tracksuit scarecrow!

these are all snaps from inside the museum, old post office telephones.
some army & war time stuff... I know they try and set a scene but the doll people are creepy!
a little chemist, full of old medicine bottles and boxes, I found this one super interesting, I even recognised some brands!
I don't have a clue what this stuffed creature was but I thought it had too nice of a smile not to make it onto this blog post :')
The below photos are items from the Victorian era, first we have a babies cot and a typical bedroom.
Then there was a typical Victorian living room, this stuff was pretty creepy, especially the 'old lady'! I was convinced it was just going to move all of a sudden!
Then a Victorian kitchen!
and finally for that era...a Victorian toilet!
I thought this pond thing was kinda pretty, It was in a room where they do animal talks and such.
Then I got to stroke a horse! there was a horse called 'Georgia' but it wasn't there unfortunately :')
I also got to stroke baby goats which were super cute! here's three ganging up on a duck.
This place was huge, there was so much land and so many animals! ... also creepy doll people but one was inspired by me ;)
My friend's little girl Evie got more & more ill over the day and so we had to leave early, she went home and ended up in A&E that night with a viral infection and had to have an oxygen mask :( she's only two so it was so sad!
When I got home I fell asleep but was awoken by mum mum saying there was a firework show in somewhere called 'Blackpool', it's around half an hour away on the motorway so we decided to go with my aunt, uncle & cousin!
it's a competition that's on over four weeks and I think I'm going every week!
If you've never been to Blackpool, it's well known for the 'illuminations', those lights that you can
see below, they go all the way down the front of the beach.
so that was Friday night!, on Saturday I went to a retail shopping park with my mum and then to asda
for some bits & bobs, Which is where I came across 'candy floss grapes'! they just taste sweet, not like candy floss... I ended up finding a mouldy grape in there and was nearly sick so they went straight in the bin, I'm terrified of mould if you hadn't previously known that.
Due to being starving and only having a few grapes that day, my mum & I got takeaway and this dirty, greasy meal seemed like a good idea... looking at it now makes me feel sick but when hungry it seemed like THE best idea.
I re-gelled my nails this week, I had got bored of the colour I had previously so I used harmony gelish in 'tiger blossom', which is fitting for the weather were having in the UK, the last time this year that bright orange will seem appropriate!
I did say I went to asda for a snack... mmm red velvet cupcake
My tiny Starbucks dust plug phone accessory arrived, it's super cute!
and finally, the only thing I have photographed this Sunday... After dying to go back to Greece, I decided to make homemade gyros, I spent a lot of time in Greece growing up, 3 weeks every year were spent there and sometimes we went a few times so it could end up being 2 months a year, I was very fortunate that my parents worked hard when I was little, they worked a lot of hours to be able to go to Greece, my dad started teaching me Greek when I was tiny as we were going to move there when I had finished high school, my dad died when I was in my first/second year of high school or I'd be sat in the sun eating real gyros right now! I'm dying to go back and I've been craving the food, mine didn't quite compare but it wasn't bad!
So that was my week so far!
I'm seeing Jason tonight so I'm posting this early and I'm getting an early night as
tomorrow is back to uni :(
what did you get up to this week?
*All products purchased myself, I am in no way affiliated with any companies nor do they know they're mentioned*
Thanks for reading!
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