welcome back for week 25 of my week in photos.
I feel like I literally did nothing this week, I did have a few days of blog photo
taking and such but this week seems to have just vanished.
Anyway, this is what I got snaps of!
It's that time of year that I always put my fairy lights on ^^ sexy hair but I'm about to
sleep aha!
"did you say treats mum?"
Okay, so how big is that light bulb? it's bigger than my head!!
my soft box light arrived this week and this is the beast of a bulb that goes in it!
Rowlow was enjoying the box that this came in.
Trying out a new set up with my soft box, I can't get used to it and my camera
settings are all wrong now :') I knew I should of listened when I studied photography
at college, I did get a distinction but I remember nothing!
Below is a behind the scenes of a post coming soon!
After my autumn blog post I was inspired to make hot chocolate with cream &
claimed a nutella snack that I found in my kitchen.
Watching my all time favourite film in bed for the 500th time, I watch it far too much, it's
'almost famous' in case you were wondering!
I had someone watching me instead though..
I was enjoying some ice cream and when I came back from getting my drink a sneaky
little beast was helping himself!
still not getting over the novelty of using my fairy lights again apparently!
of course, what these week in photos posts are famous for... food pictures!
Next is bath night! I like to have a bath at least once a week with a lush bath bomb ^^
As I said, this week consisted mostly of blogging if I'm honest, I have all next weeks posts lined up but to help me through the process of cropping photos and such I had the help of wkd in my birthday glass.
It was also fake tan night, I decided to tan after my bath as this tan will be going to waste
at some point soon if I don't use it
Needless to say, it looked a little orange when applied o.o I'm glad that most of it washes off and leaves me with a light tan, the name 'dark lotion' is very deceiving with this product!
ooh pastel hair! this was going to be my 'before' picture but after dying it, it went horrible :')
It's now all pink with a bit of purple in the fringe from when the blue didn't bleach out,
this is so when it fades I will have all baby pink hair, I'll update you on if it works out!
I love the detailed waist cut outs on this dress! had to put this in here!
it's from h&m and just a basic strappy dress!
I went into town with my mum this week to pick up some hair dyeing stuff,
as I just mentioned I was trying to dye my hair all pink so it would
fade to baby pink but it went horrible ;(
I also picked up some more of my pink dye & stopped by wilko to check out some eyeliners from essence that I spotted online and I came away with two of them.
Lunch time! - I eat wayyyy too many of these cakes...
And then we have Sunday which was a very sleepy Sunday in my house, I had two snuggly babies that wanted to stay in bed all day.
And so that was literally my week, I was at uni for the start of the week
also but that's beyond boring!
I'm going to run a bath & chill out for the night now,
I have a new brace in and I have such bad toothache :(
What did you get up to this week?
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