So, we need to talk...
I have a few things that I feel need to be said on the topic of body image
and it is around me constantly at the moment
and this is the point where I snap.
I'm very strong minded and confident within myself but some people
aren't and I don't think what you're about to read is fair, especially if it happened
to someone who may not be as emotionally stable.
I'm very strong minded and confident within myself but some people
aren't and I don't think what you're about to read is fair, especially if it happened
to someone who may not be as emotionally stable.
This post is not intended to offend and if it does then maybe look at why you're offended.
If you want to see the ramblings of a twenty one year old discussing
idealistic bodies and unrealistic standards in day to day life then please continue.
-This is not sponsored ... but it is VERY long-
-This is not sponsored ... but it is VERY long-

I've always been quite body conscious growing up, ever since I was really little
I wanted nothing more than a big set of boobs, I'd fill plastic bags with water and stuff them
in my mums bra. I went through puberty quite late so I was overly conscious
of the boobs that I didn't get until later, especially in P.E class at school.
This also meant that I was very tiny in stature and not very 'womanly' which
aggravated me a lot growing up.
Having curves doesn't make you a woman just like being very slim doesn't..
There are MANY different body types and the sooner everyone accepts this, the better.
So as I got older I became 100% happy with my body,
I grew into it and was/am genuinely happy with my size, shape & proportions,
So as I got older I became 100% happy with my body,
I grew into it and was/am genuinely happy with my size, shape & proportions,
I was recently at the doctors as I had a rash on my neck due to being allergic to my car
seat belt...yep that's a thing!
But while being checked over by my doctor (my female doctor might I add)
asked if I wanted to be weighed.
Of course! I have no scales at home so it'd be great to know.
The results came back.. 9st 2 pounds,
She said I was probably just 9 stone (126 lbs) due to wearing converse and
a big fluffy coat, but to me that sounded fine...
I looked fine, felt fine and didn't appear heavy on the scale.
she however said the opposite.
a big fluffy coat, but to me that sounded fine...
I looked fine, felt fine and didn't appear heavy on the scale.
she however said the opposite.
"You've gained a stone in the last year and a half, is there any reason for that?
It's just you can't gain much more weight, I'd recommend doing some exercise
and losing some weight,
and losing some weight,
Or you could be put into the category of 'over weight' "
My jaw dropped, I'm 21 years old, I'm 5ft 4 inches and I weight 9 stone..
Not taking into account that I've now grown into those 34DD boobs
that I always wanted and don't have a single fat foll on my stomach...
(well until I sit down)
I was told to lose weight!
I'm at an age where it is possible for me to have a child yet I should be 8 stone?
I'm done growing but I should be 8 stone? (112 lbs)
I'm horrified - how does she know I won't develop anorexia due to her
lack of consideration.
As a fellow woman who also struggles with her own body issues she has created
an issue for me that I never had to begin with, I didn't go into my doctors
surgery thinking I had any weight issues? she created them for me.
I don't see myself as overweight which is why I'm annoyed, I have
the odd bit that I'd like to tone up but I don't think I'm in anyway overweight and
she did not have the right to say it!
she did not have the right to say it!
So I shrugged it off, she's lucky I'm not easily influenced or
struggling mentally/emotionally or that comment could of
done some serious damage.
struggling mentally/emotionally or that comment could of
done some serious damage.
I then spoke to my friend who's name I won't mention but she will read this.
She told me that she thinks she's gaining weight and she hates knowing what
size jeans she wears, it depresses her to see the label when putting them on.
I simply said 'cut the label out'.
When did it become such a horrific thing to be a certain size?
If I go into H&M I can buy an XS dress,
If I go to new look I can't even touch an extra small.
the sizing is different in
EVERY shop...
I have a size 18 jumper that I picked up by mistake in primark once,
it's a baggy style jumper and I just grabbed what looked like it'd fit me,
I'm not a size 18, far from it but it doesn't drown me in fabric.
If you don't like the size? cut it out the back,
don't try and squeeze into a size
don't try and squeeze into a size
smaller just to have the size you want on the label.
It's the same if you're really small,
before I grew into my body a little more
before I grew into my body a little more
I could wear age 9-10 year old's clothes.. I was 15.
It was embarrassing but I saved money and I liked what I wore.
cut the label out, it's only you that knows and it doesn't even matter!
You should decide what size you want to be based on how you see yourself,
not on the label in your clothing.
You should decide what size you want to be based on how you see yourself,
not on the label in your clothing.
I recently came across the new campaign for Victoria's secret
'the perfect body'
apparently referring to bras but showing a line up of 'perfect' women.

I don't want the 'perfect' body, I want the body that I have and for me to
be able to wake up in the morning and think it's perfect without being told otherwise,
I don't even have to leave my house for this harassment..
turn on your TV, go on social media, even look in the mirror..
it's so well ingrained into society that you should look a certain way
that when you look in the mirror you go straight for the negative.
I wouldn't mind if I genuinely was carrying some proper weight and struggling
I wouldn't mind if I genuinely was carrying some proper weight and struggling
health wise but It's the opposite!
I don't want people to automatically look at me and decide what they think I am,
who said you can call me fat, skinny or anything in between.
It is my body and my opinion..
it doesn't determine my character & it doesn't define me.
You could be in need of an organ donation or a blood transfusion one day,
and I bet you wouldn't care where it came from, you'd just be grateful,
You could be in need of an organ donation or a blood transfusion one day,
and I bet you wouldn't care where it came from, you'd just be grateful,
That organ you so need may of come from someone that you have bashed
for being 'too fat' or 'too skinny', yet they gave part of themselves
to save your life, it doesn't determine what someone is like inside
based on what is on the outside.

I don't want to be told what my weight should be,
what proportions every part of my body should measure at
and stick to it,
That men won't like me if I'm not a certain way..
men have different preferences just like a woman and since
when was I living my life to please anyone else?
If I'm happy with how I look then what else matters?
well something is going to kill me anyway, why not junk food?!
well something is going to kill me anyway, why not junk food?!
These 'perfect' models are in the gym every other day and eating clean,
working their asses off to look that way and good for them but I'm not being
body shamed for not following their life choices.
"lose weight"
"but don't eat fruit or your teeth will suffer"
"but have a balanced diet"
"but don't eat sugar, meat or dairy"
"but make sure you get enough nutrients"
" make sure to work out often"
"but not too often or you'll damage your joints"
I can't win.
I'm being dragged in so many directions,
& I'm done listening.
It takes SO much to be classed as healthy these days, you can't
even wear a deodorant without hearing the word cancer.
I'm being dragged in so many directions,
& I'm done listening.
It takes SO much to be classed as healthy these days, you can't
even wear a deodorant without hearing the word cancer.
I'm happy without all that being FORCED on to me,
so yes I may eat takeaway a lot, I may not exercise nearly as much
as recommended but it isn't any ones concern but mine.
If I want to eat a slice of cake then I'll eat it.. if I want a whole cake then
you can bet that I'll have that too.
The same if you are told you're underweight and people say 'eat a burger',
If you want to eat salad every single day for the rest of your life then you
best feel that you have a right to without any judgement.
It gives people in general an unrealistic expectation growing up and it shames those
who are old enough to know better.
This includes men also but I am aiming this post at women, young women
in particular.
This includes men also but I am aiming this post at women, young women
in particular.
If you want this 'perfect' body type for health reasons or because it's just your
personal goal then that is fine,
but don't kill yourself trying because it is so hard to compete
with what isn't real...
you think they've not been airbrushed and caked in body make up
before that photo shoot?
No one can belittle you if you don't let them.
It's the over sexualisation of the human body that's brought this on,
it is used in marketing because sex sells.
Put your average woman on a perfume advert and you won't get half the sales
as when you put a half naked model on there.
It triggers psychology that is incredibly effective at making you do/buy things.
Those adverts that interest you?...
they tap into your emotional psychology.
they tap into your emotional psychology.
Next time you look up from your magazine to watch a TV advert,
think WHY does this interest me.
think WHY does this interest me.
It could be flawless women, it could be a car advert or a food advert but
either way it's tapping into the unstable, emotional part of your mind and
telling you to do particular things.
'sign up to the army'
'buy these fat buster pills'
'get this boob job'
'donate to our charity'
all subliminal, all manipulative.
I just want to have my friend wear the jeans that fit her,
I want my mum to be able to walk into a supermarket without her jacket on in
summer to avoid risk of people thinking she's fat.
I want to be able to get a rash on my neck diagnosed without being told
I need to lose weight.
I want to be able to get a rash on my neck diagnosed without being told
I need to lose weight.
If we all looked the same then the world would be beyond dull.
Body types are fashions these days, it was in fashion to be very skinny,
then it was in fashion to be curvy, then big bums and thick thighs came into fashion
and the list goes on and on,
It's a never ending game of spin the bottle with body types.
I'm Georgia Duckworth, I'm 21 years old,
I'm done growing and weigh 9 stone,
some say that's over weight,
and I have a belly roll when I sit down,
I have stretch marks and chubby arms but
I have stretch marks and chubby arms but
I'm happy and I think society should
give up trying to change my mind and make me insecure so that
they can profit from it.
I also don't think my doctor should be able to give an opinion like
she did without looking at the proportions of my body
and knowing my mental state.
I think what was said to me by a health care professional was
pathetic to be honest and just know that they might say the same to you
but what they say isn't always accurate and you don't
have to listen.
I also don't think my doctor should be able to give an opinion like
she did without looking at the proportions of my body
and knowing my mental state.
I think what was said to me by a health care professional was
pathetic to be honest and just know that they might say the same to you
but what they say isn't always accurate and you don't
have to listen.
I was shamed for being too thin and after
gaining weight and becoming a 'healthy' weight
I was shamed for being too fat.
I was shamed for being too fat.
and now? I'm not playing that game anymore.
If I want to be 20 stone then I will, If I want to be 5 stone then I will,
If I want to go to the gym everyday then I will,
But it will be because I want to not because it's forced on me.
I recommend you do the same.
whatever you do, do it for yourself,
not a boyfriend/girlfriend, not for society and not to fit in.
whatever you do, do it for yourself,
not a boyfriend/girlfriend, not for society and not to fit in.
I had to get this off my chest.
As always thanks for reading!
I hope this brought you some comfort, encouragement
or even just made you think.
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