Welcome back for my week in photos, week 24!
This week wasn't too thrilling and consisted of a lot of Internet time and
uni work but never the less, lets hop in ^^
First of all my little charms that I ordered arrived! This isn't sponsored I just want to give credit to the etsy store that I purchased them from.
Using these charms, I made my own personalised charm bangle which looks so cute when all the hearts dangle ^^
It looks disgusting, it tastes amazing, mmm MC Donald's double cheeseburger!
sleepy bear
My mum has been full of a cold this week so she has been drinking whisky and lemon,
she doesn't like whiskey and ended up giving it to me, so I've been casually drinking it and feeling like a fancy man who should have a cigar in the other hand :'))
My mum also bought some mini chocolate oranges for me, not sure why as she
knows I'm not a chocolate lover but can we address the fact that it's September and
this contains Christmas packaging?!
The joy of having a cat sleep on your neck..
The second takeaway of the week (to be fair I only had a cheeseburger the first time, justified!)

Cheeky bear! I rarely get a photo of him awake because he just moves so fast,
he decided to pose for this one though ><
Mini late night Asda haul ^^ I only went for the nail polish remover!
Testing, testing, 123...I have no eye make up on so I look a little weird but
I was giving the new provocalips a test out once I got home from Asda! ^^
It's not just food.... It's M&S food (sorry, had to!)
My hair never fades even, it's like a bright to pastel ombre! but this is my bedtime
hair, I thought it looked cute ><
So this beast is Rowlow's toys... I raided all his dens and found 219 toys and that's after I threw some away! ... This does not include his cardboard castle, his wooden lodge OR any of his play tubes.... what a spoilt little ferret... where does this stuff even go in my house?!
So my mum had a trip to Asda to go food shopping and she found this super cute, baggy, novelty polar bear jumper... I love this kind of thing, you'll always find me in these sort of jumpers in winter (well what can I say, I'm hardly the height of fashion, I love bear jumpers)
Late night tesco haul, It's strange that most people who have a life actually go out
on Saturday night but instead, I raid the beauty rows of my local supermarkets...
They are the imPRESS nails in Glitz & Glamour if anyone is wondering & I bought glue because I knew they'd just ping off with the sticky tabs (they did)
They are really short which is my only downside, I had to cut down my nails as
they are the size of my nail bed is normally,It makes my fingers look short and fat as these are the length of bitten nails for me :') still cute but I won't repurchase!
sleepy boy, he was so tired after dragging some of his toys back into his hiding spots that he
passed out :')
And finally to end my week... I bought a soft box light from eBay!, I was hoping it would help with future blog photos as I struggle to get good lighting living in the UK, especially as summer is practically gone!

So that was my week!
I also went out with my friend but she doesn't really 'get' blogging
so I didn't get any snaps *sigh*
What did you get up to this week?
I'm now going to eat enchiladas, finish my uni work and have a bath!
Happy Sunday ^^
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