So today I'm sharing my thoughts on the 'Lip voltage collagen lip plumper'
It is said to be the ultimate lip plumping product-
so does it live up to its claims?
Keep reading below to find out or see the results.
£15.99 - link
Lip voltage is a customisable lip plumping treatment that
uses peptides and collagen to hydrate and vanillyl butyl ether to
plump the lips.
As you can see by the above photo, this product come in two parts
1. a lip gloss & 2. the plumping agent
This gives you the control of how much plump you want in your gloss.
You remove the blue cap and squeeze 0.1ml into the lip gloss tube and mix,
if this isn't strong enough and you want more then you can add another 0.1ml
and finally if you want the strongest dosage then squeeze out another 0.1ml
(0.3ml in total!)
The effects vary from a 'warm tingle' to 'very hot tingle'
do not exceed the stated dose of plumping agent as it does get a lot hotter/tinglier than
other lip plumpers.
do not exceed the stated dose of plumping agent as it does get a lot hotter/tinglier than
other lip plumpers.
The packaging consists of a clear and brown plastic tube and a doe
foot applicator which holds the clear gloss.
It's not overly shiny but it is used as a 'treatment' and not just a general lip gloss,
the results can last up to 24 hours and this can be done every day.
It helps to bring blood to the surface of the lips by creating a chemical reaction
similar to the effect that chili has.
I first tried applying the minimum amount of plumper into my gloss which created
a very slight tingle and no lip plumping difference.
I then added a bit more plumper to my gloss and it tingled a little more but still no plumping
action, this was the point where I thought I'd wasted my money...
I then added the third round of plumper which is meant to create the ultimate full lips,
and for 10 minutes I didn't really feel it...
it then started to tingle quite badly and eventually left me with the feeling
of fire on my mouth.
This is a short lived burning sensation as it starts about ten minutes in and stops after
ten minutes, but it really was quite painful.
The first time I applied this had to wipe it off an apply ice to my lips.
I have used this several times since and it doesn't burn half as bad as the first time
that I used it, the more that I use it the weaker the formula seems to get but
you do have several ml's of plumping stuff in your syringe still so if it starts to get weak
then just add another 0.1ml.
Besides the burning I had no other discomfort, this gloss isn't sticky and
it tastes/smells minty.
Although if you were to apply this I'd say do it before makeup as the skin above my cupids
bow didn't touch the product but it still turned red.
So on to my results?
I think pictures speak louder than words for products like this.
top photo- before
middle photo- during
bottom photo- after

So as you can see it did in fact plump my lips, they're a lot redder so you
can tell the blood has come to the surface and they are in fact fuller,
This lasted for several hours and didn't go down once the product was wiped off or
from eating.
I wouldn't say it was a dramatic difference but they are little fuller which is nice,
my lips also seem to be more moisturised than before and just
overall look like they have more life to them.
This product claims that with continual use over time, the treatment builds
collagen to create softer, fuller lips... I can't comment whether it does but it
did make my lips appear softer & smoother.
I didn't have outstanding results with this product but a lot of people did,
I guess it's what your body reacts to most.
It did provide a noticeable difference and it did plump better than any other
lip plumper and with lasting results.
It is pricey so if you have smaller lips and think it's worth giving it a
go then the price tag would be more justifiable, but for me I didn't get an
incredible difference that made it worth the price tag.
I will continue to use it and I do like the slight extra fullness that it gives
but for me it was more of an 'oww factor' that a 'wow factor'.
& finally of course if you're an animal lover then no fear, you
can try this to as it is not tested on animals!
Overall I'd give this 4/5
It did what it claimed to and plumped my lips &
it did last but it wasn't as dramatic as I expected after the bold claims
and it really did burn!
Have your tried this product?
what are your thoughts?
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